Technical JJ CCR Diver

During the Technical JJ CCR Diver course the student will build on and further develop his knowledge in diving with a closed circuit rebreather.

During the Technical JJ CCR Diver course the student will build on and further develop his knowledge in diving with a closed circuit rebreather.

The skills are practised under realistic, scenario based training adapted to diving with a closed circuit rebreather.

The student will learn to plan and perform dives with decompression using Trimix to a depth of maximum 60 meters.

After passing the course, the student is able to:

  • Configure and use equipment for diving using a closed circuit rebreather according to SwedTech Diving equipment configuration
  • Plan and conduct decompression dives to a maximum of 60m using Trimix as diluent gas
  • Using –2-3 bailout stage cylinders with air, Nitrox or Trimix
  • Understand and plan for the risks of diving with a closed circuit rebreather
  • Solve equipment problems which can come up when diving with a closed circuit rebreather
  • Solve problems during diving using back-up plans
  • Solve a problem of gas loss and prevent a serious gas loss
  • Simultaneously use several different swimming techniques to manoeuvre forward, backward and during turns
  • Show excellent buoyancy control, both during the bottom phase of the dives and during the ascent
  • Understand and use the advantages of diving in a well-balanced team

Course outlines

  • The student should have at least 8 hours of dive training in the water
  • The course can be taught in ocean, sea or sea like environment
  • At least two of the dives should be to a depth of between 45-60 meters
  • The student should have at least 10 hours of theory and briefings


  • Maximum PO2 during the dive on the course is 1.4 bar, recommended PO2 is 1.2 bar. Maximum PO2 at 6 meters is 1.6 bar.
  • Maximum Equivalent Narcotic Depth (END) during the course is 30 meters
  • Maximum depth during the course is 60 meters
  • Maximum three students per instructor during the practical training in the water


  • The student must be at least 20 years old
  • The student must be in excellent health
  • Have passed the SwedTech Diving Rebreather Diver course or equivalent with other organisation
  • Have proof of at least 50 dives using a closed circuit rebreather in various environments
  • Use several different swimming techniques to manoeuvre forward, backward and during turns
  • Show excellent buoyancy control, both during the bottom phase of the dives and during the ascent